Website redesign for information system TaxEdit | KREJTA

Case study:

Presentation Redesign for information system TaxEdit

Project in details:

Konzulta a.s. asked us to redesign the existing web presentation of the information system TaxEdit, which helps and speeds up tax administration process in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Look, how we did it.

It’s important to keep up with the times

Responsive redesign devices showcase

Old web version

Old website before redesign

New web version

Website redesign devices showcase

Let the customer choose what he needs

One of the crucial parts of the website was to create a structure that would be simple and well arranged for the system users. Keyword analysis told us how to title the individual modules of the system to be intuitive for visitors and also easily accessible through search engines.

Tablet responsive showcase

Clear specification of target group

One of the basic steps of a successful presentation is to specify for who a service or product is. When you have designated customer groups, customers need to be found in them. This information helps potential visitors identify that they are in the right place.

Redesign target group tablets

We answer questions before customers ask

FAQ redesign desktop showcase

Tailor-made system for an administration of training

There is a great bonus for users of the system. Company organizes regular training for system service. Therefore, it was necessary to incorporate a training system into the system, which will be simple to operate for customers and also for training administrators. Verification of valid customers via the system API interface, e-mail notification, administration of training and other essentials to facilitate work with users were necessary.

Training administration redesign

Customer review

Vice-chairman of the board


Krejta solutions s.r.o.

Konzulta Brno a.s. is located at the same address as KREJTA solutions s.r.o. They are a team of young profesionals. After reading the references on their website, we decided to contact them with a request to redesign a presentation of the tax information software TaxEdit. It was a good choice. Cooperation was characterized by a constructive and flexible approach – from analysis to implementation. And everything they do, was on time and firm price. Definitely I can recommend.
