Corporate identity that works. 3 steps how we do it. | KREJTA

A corporate identity,
that attracts customers?
We will help you.

Firemní identita

The first thing we associate with a company identity is designing logos, business cards, websites and other parts of visual identity. However, this term also includes the way you come across to our customers, employees and suppliers and what values and feelings you pass on.

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Branding is more than designing logos and business cards.

The impression a company makes is created by several factors. Visual presentation must mirror such values which the company represents and support it across all communication channels. The same applies for the non-visual aspects. For example, a company identity includes the way we communicate with our customers.

If we want your customers to perceive you as a company with personal approach let’s show them the person who they will be communicating with, create an e-mail with that person’s name and communicate with customers exclusively via this e-mail. All this is a part of corporate identity.

Do you know your
target group and how
to present yourself
to them?

Firemní identita cílová skupina

If we know who your customers are we can suggest the best way you should present yourself to them. As for the visual part, we can choose shapes, colours and fonts that should be used. We can also choose the style of communication which is the most appropriate for the given segment and choose the channel via which we should approach them.

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What makes you
different from the

Firemní identita odlišnost

Realizing what makes us unique is an important step when designing the brand. Your differences are the reason people remember you. That is why we need to focus on the details that will let your brand shine when creating a company identity.

Why being

Firemní identita konzistence

Your customers create an opinion on you from the first encounter with your brand to the moment they become your loyal clients. Especially with expensive products and services, the decision making process before purchasing is created by up to 8 steps. It is, therefore, important your customers recall your brand with every contact with you.

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