What is PR (Public relations) and why your company needs it | KREJTA

Do you need to build trustworthy PR? We know how to do it

A good reputation is one of the main ingredients of a brand’s success in the market. However, advertising often does not reach publicity in the media, so it is time for a PR strategy. It has long maintained a positive image of the company in the eyes of the public and thus prevents crises that would jeopardize its existence. KREJTA will make sure that you are only talked about in a good way.

What is PR?

It is very simply a set of procedures and tools used to protection, strengthening and longterm creating positive relationships between the organization and the public.

The intention of PR is to build the image of an institution that can withstand the greatest shocks. Together with advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and sales promotion, they form a communication mix, which is an integral part of the marketing mix. 

Communication with the media and the public is the daily bread of PR specialists and spokespersons. They are in charge of preparing press releases and conferences, regular media monitoring and output analysis, organizing media interviews with company representatives and the like.

PR is a strategic communication process that creates and develops mutual understanding and harmony between organizations and the public.

PR is characterized by bidirectionality. The subject of its interest is public opinion about the product and service. PR is commonly used today by politicians, non-profits, cities and states. But companies are also increasingly reaching for PR to promote the reputation of their products and services.

While internal Public relations maintains relationships with the organization’s employees, external Public relations focuses on communicating with customers, the media, government, nonprofits, investors, and other interest groups in the company.

Why strive for quality Public relations?

Like a magic wand, your reputation for years can change for the worse if you don’t care about Public relations and other stakeholders. With a PR strategy, you will support from us:

  • Customer trust in the offered product/service
  • Awareness about the brand and a positive reputation
  • Relationships between the brand and the public
  • Competence to respond to crisis situations
  • Competitiveness
  • Interest of potential investors

3 key benefits of PR

Since ancient times, people have been great lovers of stories. They help us orient ourselves in a complex world, provide an escape from stress, strengthen emotional harmony and bring us closer to others. The stronger is the story associated with your brand, the more likely it is to reach the widest possible audience through the media.

      1. Great reach

The greatest success of a PR strategy and the dream of any PR specialist is when the content becomes viral. People spread information of their own free will, because they find it interesting, useful or fun.

      2. Efficiency of funds spent

Compared to paid ad placement, PR is low-cost, yet a effective way to increase brand visibility. You pay much more for a comparable area of ​​paid advertising than for a PR campaign.

       3. Longterm effect

You won’t get great PR overnight. Taking care of your media and public image takes time. However, individual responses in the media do not disappear anywhere and are traceable, which contributes to the long-term effect. For example, a positive product review can be traced to a potential customer. 

We will create a story for you that the media will love. We will look behind the curtain of your business so that you are as close as possible to your potential customers. We will also support awareness of your brand with paid advertising and quality content on social networks. We will prepare a publication plan with which you will overtake your competition. KREJTA is here to take care of your reputation.

What are the goals of the PR strategy that KREJTA mixes for you?

  • Building a reputation and credibility
  • Image change
  • Brand launch
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Crisis management
  • Improving employee relations
  • Improving relations with stakeholders

What PR services do we offer

Unlike advertising, which mainly uses the mass media to spread the message, PR strategies also use other communication channels and techniques. We will create a positive image of the company mainly with the help of:

  • Media relations or communication with the media, which includes, for example, press releases, press conferences or interviews, as well as monitoring of media outlets. The media is an effective tool for communicating with the general public, as they can arouse interest in your product/company and contribute to the creation of a long-term media image of the company.
  • Events, which can be of various formats. For example organisation of corporate events, conferences and similar events which are intended mainly for customers or business partners.
  • Digital communication, which mainly includes social networks and blogs.
  • Sponsorship and fundraising, which is the systematic raising of funds and other funds for the operation of the organization.
  • Preparation of company publications such as employee magazines and annual reports.
  • Crisis communication which responds to the spread of negative publicity.
  • Employee relations, which is the communication between employees and the employer. Internal PR will strengthen the loyalty of employees to the company and to spread its good name.

Do you need help with PR?
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