4 simple tips how to increase sales on your website. | KREJTA

Do you have a website
but no purchases?
We will help you.

zvýšení prodeje

There is a huge competition in online world. Everyone knows it – we visit a shop but even if the goods seem interesting we don’t buy it right away. We start to gather information about the product, look into the details and where it is the most convenient to buy it and only after that we make a purchase. This behavior of ours is described by the AIDA model which we take into account when designing the structure of your campaign.

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Having a goal is the key.

When designing a campaign it is necessary to determine the goal and the steps that will help us achieve it. This applies not only to making websites but to other things as well. With products and services, the decision making process may consist of even 8 encounters with your brand or more. That is why we design the campaigns in a way that we steer your customers through the decision making process to the desired direction.

As far as the goal is concerned we usually mean selling the biggest possible amount. In order to reach this goal it is necessary to achieve partial goals which could be for example getting fans of your social media website, getting e-mail addresses for subscription of news, having a certain number of views of your introduction video or receiving request forms.

How to lead customers
to the right direction?

zvýšení prodeje, směr

In the first phase called SEE we try to approach the largest possible audience of the chosen target group. In the second phase known as THINK we present the advantages that help the customers decide for your brand. In the third phase named DO we steer the customers to conversion and in CARE, the last phase, we reach to the current customers and ensure their loyalty.

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Do you know
where you lose
your customers?

zvýšení prodeje, ztraty

To ensure the right operation of the campaign we have to know how those people who visit your website behave. Where they decide to leave, where they spend the most time and where they usually perform the desired action. For this reason we measure and optimize the way to your goal.

How to make
the customers
come back?

zvýšení prodeje, remarketing

The fact that customers leave your website does not mean they will not make a purchase eventually. They just haven’t had enough information to make the decision. A well-prepared remarketing strategy can convince them to make a purchase at your website, though.

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